March Contractor of the Month – WAQUIN H.

Put your hands together and help us give a big congratulations to Waquin H., MT Select’s Contractor of the Month for March 2021! ???

Waquin came to MT Select in February of this year and took no time to show his solid work ethic with 20,973 safe miles under his belt already! Waquin likes to travel in his free time and his favorite place is on a beach somewhere in Florida. He’s also a big football fan and pulls for the New England Patriots. He is married and has a big blended family with 5 kids of his own and his wife has 3 kids of hers as well.

“Waquin has only been with us for two months and is now Contractor of the Month for March 2021. I think that’s a record. It just goes to show how hard he works and what a terrific driver he is. He’s been absolutely spectacular since he came on with MT Select. He has a great attitude and is a true pleasure to work with. I’m very happy to have him onboard with us and expect great things from him this year.” – Abraham W., CSR & Contractor Relations Manager


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