Meet Contractor of the Month: Brandon L. 🚛

We asked Brandon a few questions to get to know him better!

👤 If you could ride with someone famous for a day, who would it be?
Kat Williams – “I’d spend the day talking to him about life and laughing at his jokes.”

💡 What’s one piece of advice for other contractors?
“Patience and stay focused.”

🎶 What’s playing on your radio?
“Depends on my mood, but usually a podcast or hip hop music.”

Brandon’s dedication shines through in every aspect of his work. As Quince B., CRM, said, “This driver is hardworking and always about his business. He handles himself with customers in the utmost respectful way, embodying the ultimate business partner, holding himself to higher standards as an owner-operator.”

Congrats, Brandon, and keep up the great work!


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